Are you interested in?
A Paid Job? A Volunteer Position? Being Active in Your Community? Social Opportunities? Learning to Cook? Learning to Use the Computer?
Trying Your Hand at Music, Art, or Crafting? Do you have other skills or interests you’d like help pursuing?
Our Day and Employment Supports Services affords individuals a wide variety of opportunities to work independently or with on the job support,be actively involved in other community events, volunteer at an activity of interest, or learn a new skill including computer and cooking classes. Services are provided by our direct support professional team and may be delivered in a small group or individually depending on the individual’s specific goals and needs.
The Arc of Bristol County d/b/a proAbility works closely with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of Rhode Island. We are available to assist you in assessing and evaluating your vocational skills and interests, as well as providing individualized job training and job coaching.
For individuals who are interested in community volunteerism or have other interests such as art, crafts, music, or other venues of expression; we can assist you with pursuing these as well.
Our Day and Employment Coordinator and team of Direct Support Professionals will work with you and your family to develop and implement an individualized service plan that supports you in achieving your goals.
For more information about proAbility’s Day and Employment Services, contact Anthony Carlo at (401) 233-1634.